Go from Stuck to Your Dream Job In As Little As 6 Months.

What makes you feel like you’re “in the zone” or “in flow”?

What does being “in the zone” mean and why is it important? 

Being in flow= right level of competency meets the right level of challenge. 

Boredom= level of competency far exceeds the challenge

Panic or burnout= too much challenge and not enough competency

You probably experience each of these states across different activities, interactions or jobs. And can probably readily map an activity to each of these states.

I am in the zone when I swim. What I lack in speed, I make up for in consistency and enjoyment. The water makes me feel relaxed, confident and lighthearted. I reap benefits beyond the pool: my executive coach helped me to bring this same mindset to my own coaching practice.

I help clients identify when they are in flow. 

By reflecting on these activities, they are able to understand their values and strengths. 

By understanding their values and strengths, they have a much clearer picture of themselves.

And ultimately, this provides them with clarity in decision making.

When are you in the zone? How can you do more of these things in your life? 

#executive coaching #createconfidence #feelfearless

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